Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Unembarrassed Bot

 A shortcutting of the usual GWAS is a bot that simply cranks out a Manhattan plot with no further analysis. While, those who do traditional GWAS downplay it, there is really little difference between what they are doing and what the bot is doing other than some shoddy speculation and perhaps a bit of data cleaning, but the real issue is that the bot does GWAS that most would be too embarrassed to publish and these get a lot of hits. Take this one, for example, that ironically, without embarrassment, finds genetic variants for "worrying too long after embarrassment":

This should be a clear indication that silly false positives can be produced from anything you can ask on a questionnaire. In addition to the likelihood of some massive pop strat dependent on particular cultural backgrounds, what exactly is meant by "too long"? Is this a subjective opinion of the person or is it a specific amount of time? 

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